April 18, 2010
8:30 am, 57F Partly Sunny
Official Finish Time 2:02:39
I had so much FUN and a GREAT time running the race! There was so much energy from the runners, it was very well organized, a lot of people cheering and entertaining along the course, and it was a beautiful scenic & challenging course. Big shout out to Team Brandon http://www.teambrandon.org/ they were able to race enough money to provide a girl with a wheelchair so she can play basketball.
Ok so I started out relaxed and kept to an honest average pace of 9:10min/mile until the 10th mile turn around at Johnson Park (setting a new Personal Best 10 mile distance). But I probably was enjoying the run to much that I lost focus on my nutrition plan which resulted the last 3 miles dropping my average pace to 9:22min/mile. The last 2 miles was a steady incline so that also killed my spirit knowing I was not going to finish under 2 hours. But I'm still happy with my perfomance considering I had foot surgery earlier in the year and I'm feeling good now coming in the New Jersey Marathon in 2 weeks.
Congratulations to Arland Macasieb finished 13th overall and 2nd in AG after a very tough training week. Congrats to Lence Dayo and Kit Verzosa for finishing strong despite not feeling 100% well. Thanks to Agnes Macasadia for waking up early and for waiting for us in the cold, I love you!
I would definitely join this race again next year. I few things can be improved like more portable toilets at starting area and make the aid stations longer it was very easy to miss getting fluids but other than that I had a wonderful time especially the finish line was amazing and electrifying!
Nutrition Summary
Woke up 5am ate one banana and drank one cup of water. Drove to Red Bank from Toms River and sipping a little coffee along the way. Ate another banana, 1 trail mix, and 2 tablets of Multi-V. Drove to New Brunswick from Red Bank and drank 20oz of GU brew.
Got to the starting area and used to the porta toilets, I was well hydrated at this point. I took 2 capsules of thermolytes and consumed 1 pack of Sports Beans. Along the course I drank water most of the aid stations and gatorade endurance at 2 aid stations on ly. Ate one packet of GU vanilla at mile 6.
Race Data
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